Tiny Gemstones surrounded by big legends

Natural Wonders

I’ve always been captivated by the magical appearance of gemstones and the myths and legends that surround them. In this blog I’ll tell you about a few of my favourite gemstones and the mythology surrounding them.


One of my all-time favourite gemstones is Labradorite, mined in Labrador in Canada and often found in Norway and Finland and China, this gemstone is most famous for its iridescent display of greens and blues.

This magical gemstone is able to showcase a rainbow of iridescent colours – from grey-green to peacock blue and golden copper. With this magical allure its easy to see why so much folklore surrounds it.

One of my favourite folklore stories about labradorite begins on the coasts of Labrador, Canada. According to the legend, an Inuit warrior found trapped light deep within the stones, he was able to free most of the light with his speer – the light flew into the sky and formed a beautiful aurora now known as the Northern Lights. However, some fragments of the light still remained trapped within the stone and formed the beautiful mineral gemstone – Labradorite.

The Northern Lights more formal name is Aurora Borealis which means “Sunshine Wind” in Greek – aptly named for the was the electric colours of greens and blues dance across the dance sky.

Many wearers of Labradorite believe that the gemstone will bring them good luck but replacing negative energy with positive energy.

Rose Quartz

The universal stone of love. Rose Quartz is believed to bring the wearer unconditional love and has a beautiful pink hue.

Rose Quartz is mined throughout the world but is most commonly found in Brazil, a gemstone that has inspired civilisations since time began, it is believed that the Ancient Egyptians believed this pink gemstone held anti-aging properties and would carve large rose quartz gemstone masks to wear in elaborate spa treatments.

One of my favourite folklore stories regarding Rose Quartz is the story of Eros (also known as Cupid).

Eros was the Greek God of desire, attraction and love, folklore tells a beautiful tale of how Eros brought a vibrant pink gemstone down from the heavens of Olympus to spread happiness and love to the humans on the mortal world.

One look at the magical pink stone and mortal humans would feel a higher state of love than hate.


The birthstone for June, moonstone can easily be identified by its ethereal appearance. A stone that has captured the imagination for generations, moonstone is a favourite in folklore and legends.

As moonstone looks a lot like moonbeams, there is a lot of folklore around moonstone being formed from moonlight due to the natural white light that dances around the gemstone.

Ancient Greeks believed the stone was formed from the goddess of love and the goddess of the moon and named this magical stone “Aphroselene” (a combination of Aphrodite and Selene). Because of this many believe it is an aphrodisiac when worn by two people, when the moon is high.

Moonstone is also believed to provide the wearer with protection, and was once called the ‘Travelers Stone’ as it was said to light the way and the everchanging light reflections within the stone would bring out the good spirit within.


Easily identifiable by its rich purple colour, amethyst is the birthstone for February and a gemstone that has been favoured by royalty and in folklore for generations.

Historically amethyst was often held or worn as a talisman as it was believed to ward of the effects of alcohol and keep the wearer clear headed. In Greek Amethyst (amethustos) means “not drunken”

One of my favourite folklore legends surrounding amethyst is the story of Bacchus, the Greek god of wine. Angered by mortals he swore revenge on the next human to cross his path. He created fierce and angry tigers with a taste for blood.

On the horizon a beautiful young maiden called Amethyst appeared, she was on her way to the temple to pay tribute to the Goddess Diana. As Amethyst turned the corned Bacchus’s tigers set upon her. Diana couldn’t bear the cruelness and turned Amethyst into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the tigers’ claws.

With instant regret for his actions Bacchus wept tears of wine upon the beautiful statue and stained the quartz a deep purple, created the gem we now call amethyst.


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